Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy First Birthday, Justin!

Justin celebrated his first birthday yesterday with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa DeBadts, Grandma and Grandpa Simpson, Great-Grandma Auble and Great-Grandma Simpson.
Here are a few pictures of J's first experience with cake and pieces of his celebration. Happy Birthday, Little Man!

Friday, December 19, 2008

More Quotes from The Justin Files

More, actual statements made from me to my beloved son, Justin Reid:

"Please don't bite the toilet."

"Please don't climb into the dishwasher."

Again, things I never thought that I would say...

At any rate, Justin is still the love of my life. He is walking now...sort of. He walks with his shoulders hunched up, his arms bent at the elbows, and his lower arms straight out - it's a pretty accurate impersonation of Frankenstein.

He also points at things and asks, "Wasssat?"

When asked where the ceiling fan is located, he points right to it.

He knows the sign for "more" and uses it at will.

When we say, "I'm gonna get you!", he squeals and makes a break for it.

Justin loves books, baths, and carrots. He's not a fan, however, of animated or battery-operated stuffed toys or wearing pants. But, you've gotta hand it to the kid...battery-operated stuffed animals are kind of creepy and, if given the option, I think we could all say we'd rather be pantless.

J-Man also has a great sense of humor...he's very funny and laughs a lot. Just yesterday, he pointed to Katherine Heigl on TV and said, "Mama?" Hilarious.

Justin will be celebrating his first birthday next Friday. I can't believe he'll be a year old. I will be sure to post pictures of a cake demolition!

Happy Holidays to all and stay warm!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Justin's Holiday Photos

My little man had his photos taken last week and here are two of my favorites:

Friday, November 21, 2008

I've Been Tagged...And, Thankfully, Not with a Blowdart Flying From a Hovering Helicopter, This Time...Thanks, Shannon!

1- Post Rules on Your Blog
2-Answer the Six "8" Items and Post on Blog
3-Let Each Person Know They Have Been Tagged

8 Favorite Shows
1. House, MD
2. Arrested Development (RIP...but I have all three seasons on DVD...)
3. Criminal Minds
4. The Office
5. Law & Order: SVU
6. Fringe
7. The New Adventures of Old Christine
8. How I Met Your Mother

8 Things I Did Yesterday
1. Got a super-cute new haircut (my neck is cold, though)
2. Went Christmas shopping
3. Had Justin's one year old pictures done (also, super-cute)
4. Went shopping for Thanksgiving dinner supplies (and, in doing so, single-handedly paid Danny Wegman's car payment for this month...ugh)
5. Spent $50 at Lisa's Liquor Barn...Bailey's for the Irishman coming to visit next week and two bottles of wine
6. Worked at my new position as an online facilitator for the University of Phoenix
7. Watched "The Office"...hilarious, as usual
8. Spent time with my in-laws

8 Things I Look Forward To
(Only Eight?!...OK...)
1. Bree and Eoin's visit (can't wait!!!)
2. Thanksgiving with the family
3. Seeing "Twilight" tonight in Buffalo with the girls
4. Riding this weekend...if my arm is OK
5. Finding out what the devil is wrong with my arm
6. Justin's first Christmas
7. Justin's first birthday
8. Completing my training for the University of Phoenix

8 Favorite Restaurants
1. The Kitchen Table in Burlington, VT
2. Mario's
3. Biaggi's
4. Qdoba
5. Basil
6. Aunt Cookie's
7. The Distillery
8. Brio

8 Things On My Wish List
1. To Raise a Happy, Healthy Child
2. Show Chester at the Pinto World Show in Tulsa, OK
3. A Kindle E-Reader
4. An Overhauled Horse paint, wiring, etc.
5. Go back to Sedona, AZ
6. See the Pittsburgh Steelers play
7. Run My Own Horse Business
8. Travel to Greece and Crete

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Adventures with Justin

Do you ever find yourself making a statement that, if overheard or taken out of context, might land you on the 6:00 local news? Trust me...if you're a parent, you know exactly what I mean.

Nine words I never thought I would say:

"Hey. Get your finger out of the cat's butt."

Yup. I said this. On Saturday. With a straight face. was not a punchline to a joke. It was me, trying to redirect my child. Justin has recently become very intrigued with buttons and, apparently, Seamus' closely resembled a button that needed pushing.

Any parents out there willing to share any phrases you never, ever thought you'd say, but made perfect sense once you had a child?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Nine Month Stats

Another visit to Dr. Tomek and another list of off-the-chart statistics for J-Man:

  • 27.5 pounds (97th percentile)
  • 31 1/4 inches long (>97th percentile)

Dr. Tomek remarked at J's good health and thinks he may be the biggest baby in his practice at his age. We have the go-ahead to gradually start J on table food around 10.5 to 11 months old.

Justin has been doing extremely well. He is crawling, pulling himself up, cruising along the sofa, and climbing the stairs with lightning speed (all with supervision, of course). He is not fond of having his diaper changed and prefers to be stark naked. He is funny and laughs a lot. He imitates facial expressions and is talking like crazy. He does laps in the bathtub and likes to grab the washcloth and whip it around, splashing everything and everyone within a five foot radius. He loves to jump on the bed and adores his daddy. When Grandpa Simpson comes to visit, J will not let him out of his sight. He loves shopping sprees with Grandma DeBadts. He cheers for himself when a cereal puff actually makes it into his mouth, as opposed to landing on the floor. He stops in his tracks when the Marineland commercial or the weather comes on the television.

My little man is becoming his own person with likes and dislikes, distinct personality traits, and a wonderful sense of humor. He continues to bring joy into the lives of everyone he meets.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

WARNING: Major Cuteness

I'm sorry, but this post needs no commentary...

Sunday, August 31, 2008

State Fair Paint and Pinto Show

Chester and I competed at the New York State Fair two weekends ago. I have just now gotten around to uploading the pictures from the photos taken there and wanted to share them. Chester was an absolute angel in the coloseum...a place where most horses think they've gone to die and act accordingly. All Chester knew is that there were shiny lights, American flag banners, and cushy stall lined with six bags of shavings just for him...and he loved it. We did quite well in our placings, but the biggest accomplishment, in my eyes, was the fact that Chester was a dream to ride and show through both days of our classes. I could not be happier with his performances.

**Photos courtesy of Mark Pedersen and Quickshots Photography** Mad props, rock!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Story of Edgar Sawtelle

I am a self-professed book nerd. I love books. I love books more than chocolate, jewelry, and new shoes. I love to buy a new book, curl up in a chair, and lose myself in the words. It is silly for me to buy books because I finish the good ones in a day or two and those that don't grab my attention within the first few sentences get slapped onto the bookshelf never to be read at all. I guess you could say I am a Book Snob. My dream gift (besides a book...or a new horse) would be the new Kindle - the iPod of books - a portable electronic device that uploads full novels and such. It costs, like, $350, though, so it's just a dream right now.
Anyway, I am on my way to Borders today to buy "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle". Stephen King compares this book to "Watership Down" and "Life of Pi" - my two most favorite books EVER. I usually don't give much credence to critics reviews, but, (A) It's Stephen King, and, (B) The comparison to my two most favorite books of all time makes it a must-read.
Anyone have any books they would like to recommend? Let me know...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sippy Cup

Justin is learning to use his new Sippy Cup...sort of. Right now he just chews on the spout and, sometimes, even gets some juice! Doesn't matter, though, becuase, as you can see, J-Man loves his cup regardless.
If you look close enough, you may be able to see Justin's new teeth...two on the bottom. The little man is growing up so fast...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Sunday Off

The horse show scheduled for today was cancelled due to the impending stormy forecast. A good thing, too, because it's raining buckets right now. A full day to get stuff done around the house and, in between storm clouds, maybe ride Chester.
Next Sunday, we show at Centerpointe Stables, a farm just five minutes from our house. Yay! This is a show I usually invite those I know to come and watch, simply because it only takes a few minutes to get there. Auburn and Stanley are quite the hike for people to make, just to watch a bunch of horses trot around in a circle. I get it, but, I am nuts. Spending hundreds of dollars to spend the day in the swampy, sweltering heat and humidity wearing a wool jacket and tall black boots, all to (maybe) get a 25 cent ribbon. If anyone is interested in coming out to Penfield to meet Chester and watch the show for a while, e-mail me ( for details or directions. I know a few of you are curious to see why I am MIA every Sunday during the summer. We would love to see you! Have a great Sunday!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Six Month Check-Up

Justin went to visit Dr. Tomek yesterday. Once again, he is just about off the charts. He weighs in at 22 pounds (97th percentile) and is 29.5 inches long (over the 97th percentile). Justin was very good for the doctor...except when Dr. Tomek went to look into J-Man's ears. Justin wanted to play with the "toy" with the fun light on the end and kept on turning to look at it. He got a little upset that this man with the million dollar toy wouldn't let him play.
Once Dr. Tomek left the room, the lady with the pokey sticks came in. Three pokey sticks to be exact. J-Man endured three shots into his thighs, cried for less than a minute, and then proceeded to tell us how much he hates that Pokey Lady through low, long whiney grumbles. Then, all was well.
My niece, Hadyn, gets her very first horseback riding lesson today. She is very excited! I promised to let the girls ride on their own once they turned eight and Hadyn's 8th birthday was last Friday. She didn't waste any time taking me up on my offer. Hannah will ride, too, but I will lead her around. No solo ride for her for two more years.
We are headed down to the lake this evening for the 3rd of July festivities. Hopefully, the rain scoots out of here fast and we can enjoy the company, the lake, and the fireworks. Happy 4th of July, everyone!!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Weekend Horse Show Update

Chester and I had a great weekend at the show this past Sunday. We placed first in three classes and no lower than third in all of our riding classes. We ended up with High Point Open English Champion and received a brand new show bridle for our efforts. The really cool thing is that the bridle is of the same brand as my show saddle and it matches perfectly. I already have the same bridle (although it is a few years old) and it was $90 when I bought it, so the new bridle that I won covered the cost of my entry fees. It was a good day, indeed.
Next up, Westwind Farm Open Horse Show on July 13th!

Monday, June 23, 2008

New Post Time...Finally!

It's been a while. Sorry for the delay.


J-Man is growing up so, so much! He is rolling around everywhere, sitting up when propped, and is very close to crawling. He is working hard on his coordination - he has great front end control and can drag himself around in a circle, but his knees haven't quite caught up yet. Soon. He is on to Stage 2 foods now, and LOVES carrots and apple-blueberries. This kid will sit with his mouth open like a baby bird for hours waiting for the carrots.
J is also in love with his Jumperoo. He gets jumping so fast that he tires himself out. He grumbles when he becomes tired, but gets cranky when he is removed from the Jumperoo.
Needless to say, Justin is doing very, very well. He has his six month (OMG!) check-up next Wednesday, so I will report back with the stats. I'm not a doctor or anything, but this kid is so big, he could play QB for the Bills. God knows they could use one.

Jeff began another grad class at the U of R last Monday. Still working toward his MBA, playing with The Revelers (join us on July 3rd at the Little Red Cottage to see them play!), and jamming when he can. He is a great dad and Justin just loves him to pieces. J-Man tells me that he misses that Daddy guy all day long and can't wait until he gets home at night. Jeff is still at Harris and doing quite well there. He is planning a trip to Vermont in August/September to camp and hike. He goes on a week-long solitary retreat every year to recharge. He has been attending music shows in Rochester and is looking forward to Summer Hours at work - four 10 hour days with (most) Fridays off. Justin and I are looking forward to this, too!!

Ty is as cute as ever. All day alone in the house yesterday with no accidents, but will poop on the rug when we are all home and standing next to the door. Go figure.
I realized today how much he is beginning to enjoy just being a dog. I usually don't just let him outside to stay without being tied up and, if I do, it's usually just long enough for him to go potty and then be let back in. Today, however, I was busy doing approximately three and a half billion things and just let Ty out into the backyard. When I went to retrieve him, he was in the middle of the yard, rolling in the grass, and laying in the sun. He grabbed a stick and began to demolish it. It made me smile to see the little mutt just living in the moment. A reminder to us all, perhaps?

Horse Activities:
Show season is underway! Three shows under our belt and it's going pretty well. A few high point championships and several blue ribbons. Chester is (mostly) behaving himself, and that's all I really ask for. We are improving every week on our Showmanship skills and had an absolutely killer pattern in one of our classes at yesterday's show (first place under both judges!). Chester is still quite orally fixated and likes to bite at my hand during Showmanship patterns, but we're working on that, too. I think it's time to bust out the cayenne pepper spray and coat my hand and lead line with it. Let's hope Chester isn't into Cajun cuisine. This weekend, we travel to Ionia for another open show. We will continue to prepare for the State Fair in August and the Pinto World Championship Show in Tulsa, OK in 2010.

This And That:
I added two more of my favorite websites to the list: - like I Can Has Cheezburger, but for you Dog Lovers out there - and - political funnies. Check them out!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Justin To Mission Control...

...the asteroid has been destroyed, saving the entire Earth from annihilation. Please inform the president. Over and out.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Just Like Mommy...

Here is picture of Justin with his foot in his mouth. He definately gets this from me.

Thanks to Grandma Simpson for the picture!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Hilarious Website

For those of you who need a smile, please feel free to check out

Very cute and funny pictures with even cuter and funnier captions. Here are a few samples of my favorites:

More Funnies

Even More Funnies...

And More...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Never let it be said that Justin is not up with the times. Even though he is only five months old, he can still sport the latest hair-styles. Check out his Faux-Hawk:

Is my kid rad, or what?

At any rate, J-Man is feeling a little better everyday. However, today, he is still coughing quite a bit. His cough is more productive today and I am hoping that the yuckies are on their way out. J is sleeping a lot during the day, but he is eating well (bananas are his new fave) and he is still a happy boy. Even when he is sick, he is still a smiley boy. He definately gets that from Jeff. Justin slept through the night last night, which, hopefully, means this cold is almost outta here.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

First Cold

Well, the J-Man is sick. He has his first cold. A phone call to the triage nurse confirms that this is just a cold - coughing and congestion. She did not seem too concerned - just stated that we need to keep him hydrated and elevated. She also says to take him into the bathroom while we shower to get the steam working on his lungs. The nurse did not recommend taking him into see his MD, but, if he is still not well tomorrow, I think I may take him just to sure. A five month old hacking on mucus is a sad sound indeed.

At any rate, J is just a bit cranky and off his feed, but, otherwise, smiley and talkative.

In other Justin news, he has been exploring the new frontier of solid foods. He is a big fan of peas and green beans. He liked carrots and squash a lot until he tasted the green veggies and now, while he will tolerate the yellow ones, he much prefers the greens. He was also not a fan of rice cereal until I mixed it with applesauce and now I have to cut him off.

Here are pictures of J's first meal of carrots:

It's a messy venture, but oh, so cute!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Racehorse Soapbox

I'll admit it...I have been just about a life-long Thoroughbred race fan. I love the stats, the bloodline research, the training aspects, and, of course, the beautiful equine athletes. In recent years, however, I have become somewhat ambivilent about the "Sport of Kings".

I will never forget the Breeder's Cup Distaff race in 1990 where a mare named Go For Wand fell, went down, flipped over, got up, and tried to finish the race while her broken leg clung to her by a thin flap of skin. And who can forget Barbaro, the amazing colt who broke his hind leg while running in the 2006 Preakness Stakes, only to succumb to complications from laminitis months later?

I was reminded of how fragile a young Thoroughbred racehorse's life is this past Saturday when the three year old filly, Eight Belles (pictured above), ran the race of her life, placing second in the Kentucky Derby (and beating 18 colts in the process), only to shatter both front ankles after crossing the wire. She could not be saved.

In watching the post-race interviews, it seems everyone has an opinion. Was the footing off? Was the filly unsound? What role did bloodlines play? (Eight Belles' sire, Unbridled's Song is notorious for fathering highly unsound foals)

Not once, however, have I heard questions about running such young stock in hardcore races. I have yet to hear anyone question the training techniques of big-time trainers, who start their horses under saddle at 18 months old. Could it be that the footing cannot be blamed? Could it be that putting such stress on such young legs could be a factor? These horses are beefed up with feed and steroids, exercised into firm muscle, and trained hard. All on legs that will not be done growing until that horse is five (or more) years old. It is not surprising to me that horses go down on the track all of the time. We just get to see the big name horses in the media.

The ironic part of all of this is, if a young horse breaks down on the track and can be saved, is often retired to the breeding shed, to be bred and to pass on conformation faults to hundreds of babies. It's the horses who start their careers as older colts and fillies and race until they are ten (or older) who are the sound ones - the ones who should be passing their stamina and soundness on to future generations.

I'll get off my soapbox now, but not before addressing Eight Belles' trainer's comment on the Today Show this morning. Mr. Larry Jones defended his sport by stating that horses have a bigger risk of hurting themselves in the pasture than they do on the racetrack. This may be true, but I see a major difference in a horse hurting himself while running, bucking, and playing versus being whipped across the finish line after running his (or her) heart out for over a mile against 19 other horses on ankles just a few inches in diameter.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Justin Update

Justin had his four month well-child visit yesterday. He met with the NP, Crystal, and wooed her with his cuteness. Here are the stats:

20 pounds, 14 ounces. 27.75 inches long. Above the 97th percentile in both height and weight.

Crystal reports that Justin is doing very well - very healthy and beautiful. She felt no resistence in his right hip and the ultrasound report came back with normal results.

Justin is growing so fast. He is grasping onto toys with both hands and is working on his coordination on getting said toys into his mouth. He is smiling and laughing more and more. He loves bath time. He is sleeping through the night from about 8:00 pm to about 6:00 am. He will even go to bed awake and soothe himself to sleep. We are spoiled to have such an amazing kid.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Behold! The Winkle Toy!

Our friends from NYC, The Mohneys, sent Justin a huge box packed with fun stuff this week. The Winkle Toy was included and, let me tell you, it has been a huge hit with J-Man. Not only can he grab onto it with both hands, he can chew on it at the same time. I highly recommend this toy for any baby just learning to grasp onto things.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

90 Degrees

J-Man is getting quite mobile. Check him out:

Start of play:

Five minutes later:

My 3.75 month old turned a full 90 degrees under his Jungle Gym in under five minutes. My sense of direction isn't even close to being this good...and I'm almost 376 months old! My kid is a genius.

Justin has also learned (thanks to Daddy) that, if he hits the purple parrot hanging over his head on the Jungle Gym, the music starts to play. I hope this is teaching Justin simple cause and effect and not to be abusive to animals so that he can hear "Lou, Lou, Skip to My Lou" play approximately 1400 times.

In related news, if I hear "Lou, Lou, Skip to My Lou" one more time, I may shoot myself.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Big Man

Is it wrong that my 13 week old child wears nine month old-sized clothing? We will never be accused of starving him, that's for sure.

Grandma DeBadts took J on a shopping spree at Old Navy last Friday. Justin is now the coolest kid on the block in his new gear. We bought clothing sized for a six month to 12 month old and they fit J-Man just fine. All of his jammies are sized for a nine month old and the only alteration that I have had to make is rolling up the cuffs - not becuase the sleeves are too long, but so Justin can suck on his wrist, which, by the way, looks like a pink muffin top. I love fat baby wrists.

Grandma and Grandpa Simpson gave Justin a wonderful Easter basket filled with goodies and (hooray!) nine month-sized jammies! The family had a wonderful Easter weekend with the grandparents and extended family. Justin celebrated his first Easter surrounded by his loving family. We are all very grateful for that gift.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Doggie Regrets

Tyson here.

Certain decisions seem like good ideas at the time. I had fleeting thoughts when I agreed to this picture, like, "What if this gets into the wrong hands?" and "I'll bet embarrassing photos like this wind up on the Internet all the time."

Did I listen to my gut? No. And that decision failed me. Big time. Mom found this photo stashed away from a year ago, laughed hysterically, and promply uploaded it onto her computer.

This will be the last time I agree to any questionable photos. And if I ever see that purple sweater again, I will tear it to bits.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Happy Baby

Justin's daily smile amounts have grown by leaps and bounds over the last few days. We went to Strong Hospital today to have an ultrasound of his right hip, as Dr. Tomek felt a little resistance in it at Justin's last check-up. The radiologist thinks everything is fine...she just has to check the measurements on the films to let us know for sure. Other than that, J-Man is still lovin' life...he is sleeping at night more consistently...from about 10:00 pm to 5:00 am. Of course, now that I've told you all this, he'll be up all night tonight, just to make a liar out of me. Oh, well. The kid's job is to keep me on my toes.
In other news, I am back to riding regualrly now, and, boy, have I missed it. Chester is doing well and we're beginning preparation for the 2008 show season.
The Simpson clan is off to Great-Grandma Auble's house again this Saturday, this time to meet cousins Michael, Lynn, Karmen, and Matthew for the first time. J-Man will then spend most of Sunday with Grandma and Grandpa DeBadts, as Mommy and Daddy will be out interacting with other adults. Whoo Hoo!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Cutest Baby Ever

I may be biased, but I think Justin is the cutest baby that ever existed. Ever.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Best. Invention. Ever.

As you can see, Justin absolutely LOVES his swing. I know that not every baby likes them, but I am one of the lucky moms that has a kid that can be entertained and comforted by his Fisher Price Cradle Swing. Justin loves to both play and nap in his swing, which allows me to get some things done around the house. The only thing's so hard not to just sit and watch J-Man having a grand ole time in his swing.
We had Justin's two month check up with Dr. Tomek yesterday. Bottom line - the kid is off the charts in height and weight. At ten weeks old, he weighs in at 16 pounds, 15 ounces and is 25 inches long. He had his first round of vaccines and it was a toss up on who took it worse - me or Justin. He wanted to be snuggled all day yesterday, which was definately fine with me, and, after a dose of Infant Tylenol and a good night's sleep, Justin is feeling just fine today.
In conclusion, I have to mention yet another awesome gift of motherhood. Recently, Justin began to greet me in the morning when I came into his room to get him up for the day. As soon as he sees me, he smiles this huge grin and begins kicking and swinging his arms around. I have never been a morning person, but Justin is changing that condition quickly.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Dog Days

Wassup, ya'll? Tyson here...also known as Ty, Ty-Ty, or Dammit (as in, "Come here, Dammit!"). My mom sometimes calls me "Tinkles" or "Boo Boo", but don't you try it.

I thought it was time for a post by yours truly. I've been a bit over-shadowed by my boy, Justin, and, while I love the kid, I deserve some of the spotlight, too.

Let me tell you a little about myself. I am a Toy Fox Terrier, or TFT. I like to think that "TFT" stands for "Tough Freakin' Terrier". My mom tells me that I am a "little guy", but I could take on any German Shepherd or Great Dane any day of the week with three paws tied behind my back. My likes include: Snausages, harrassing Riley, quality time with my bear, and the sound of my own bark. I also like to play tug-of-war with Cal, fetch with Jenny, and Crazy Eight with Callie.

My dislikes include: peeing outside when it's cold, having my nails trimmed, baths, and when Mom leaves in the truck without me. I also do not like getting neutered, but Mom tells me that's a one-time deal.

I am one talented canine. I have many gifts that I choose to share with my humans, such as starting the neighborhood dog chorus at 5:00 in the morning (Mom especially likes the sound of the beagle down the street), keeping the cats in line, and guarding my boy, Justin. When the spirit moves me, I can also sit, shake, and lay down. Between me and you, though, those parlor tricks are pretty lame.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Justin Update

At the request of Justin's Grandma and Grandpa Simpson, here is a recent picture of our favorite little man. Looks like he knows something we don't, doesn't he?
We're off to Great Grandma Auble's house today for a visit with family. Justin will be meeting some of his extended family for the first time. He's all rested up and ready to go!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Adventures in Pregnancy and Childbirth

Over the last eight plus weeks, I have enjoyed being a new mom. Our son, Justin Reid, born on December 26th, 2007, has already brought a lifetime of joy into our home. I don't think that there has ever been a child who is more cherished and loved.
Now that I have produced a child from my womb, I thought that I would share what I have learned about pregnancy and childbirth with my readers. These are invaluable lessons, so, take notes...

1. Be careful what you Google while pregnant.
You really can know too much in life. Please do not Google the following while pregnant, thinking about becoming pregnant, or while in labor: "17 Pound Russian Baby", "episiotomy", or "meconium". You will freak out. I promise.

2. Epidurals can (and do) wear off.
Please do not count on the epidural to take care of the pain. No one shared with me that they can wear off. I was in pain-free heaven for two hours, but just before it was time to push, the epidural wore off...completely. The evil, sadistic nurse told me that I could not have any more painkillers because I would be pushing soon and she wanted me to feel some pressure. Oh...I felt some pressure fact, I felt everything. This nurse was not allowed back into my room.

3. Be ready for anything.
I did not want a C-Section, but it was the only option for us when all was said and done. It turned out fine and I was ready to do anything to insure the safety of my child (see #6). Plus, now I have a really cool scar.

4. You can vomit from excessive pain.
Yeah. Trust me.

5. Newborn babies are purple and covered in cheese.
But cute and loud, nonetheless.

6. You cannot possibly know the level of extreme love of which you are capable until you have a child.
I know. Everyone says this. But it is so true. Children rearrange your priorities. No person or thing can or will ever come before your child. Ever. I don't think the word 'love' is strong enough to describe the feelings one has for their own child. Every time I look at my son, my heart swells.

So. There are just a few of the lessons I have learned. I gain more and more knowledge everyday and I am learning to see the world through a child's eyes. Everything is new and exciting and there is more and more to discover everyday. This is the greatest gift of all.


I know. You are all in shock, but, at the request of our loyal followers, I have decided to breathe new life into our blog. After a hiatus of almost three years, I will attempt to keep the posts coming and keep everyone updated on the Simpson Family adventures. Stay tuned for more...