Friday, December 19, 2008

More Quotes from The Justin Files

More, actual statements made from me to my beloved son, Justin Reid:

"Please don't bite the toilet."

"Please don't climb into the dishwasher."

Again, things I never thought that I would say...

At any rate, Justin is still the love of my life. He is walking now...sort of. He walks with his shoulders hunched up, his arms bent at the elbows, and his lower arms straight out - it's a pretty accurate impersonation of Frankenstein.

He also points at things and asks, "Wasssat?"

When asked where the ceiling fan is located, he points right to it.

He knows the sign for "more" and uses it at will.

When we say, "I'm gonna get you!", he squeals and makes a break for it.

Justin loves books, baths, and carrots. He's not a fan, however, of animated or battery-operated stuffed toys or wearing pants. But, you've gotta hand it to the kid...battery-operated stuffed animals are kind of creepy and, if given the option, I think we could all say we'd rather be pantless.

J-Man also has a great sense of humor...he's very funny and laughs a lot. Just yesterday, he pointed to Katherine Heigl on TV and said, "Mama?" Hilarious.

Justin will be celebrating his first birthday next Friday. I can't believe he'll be a year old. I will be sure to post pictures of a cake demolition!

Happy Holidays to all and stay warm!

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