Sunday, August 31, 2008

State Fair Paint and Pinto Show

Chester and I competed at the New York State Fair two weekends ago. I have just now gotten around to uploading the pictures from the photos taken there and wanted to share them. Chester was an absolute angel in the coloseum...a place where most horses think they've gone to die and act accordingly. All Chester knew is that there were shiny lights, American flag banners, and cushy stall lined with six bags of shavings just for him...and he loved it. We did quite well in our placings, but the biggest accomplishment, in my eyes, was the fact that Chester was a dream to ride and show through both days of our classes. I could not be happier with his performances.

**Photos courtesy of Mark Pedersen and Quickshots Photography** Mad props, rock!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Story of Edgar Sawtelle

I am a self-professed book nerd. I love books. I love books more than chocolate, jewelry, and new shoes. I love to buy a new book, curl up in a chair, and lose myself in the words. It is silly for me to buy books because I finish the good ones in a day or two and those that don't grab my attention within the first few sentences get slapped onto the bookshelf never to be read at all. I guess you could say I am a Book Snob. My dream gift (besides a book...or a new horse) would be the new Kindle - the iPod of books - a portable electronic device that uploads full novels and such. It costs, like, $350, though, so it's just a dream right now.
Anyway, I am on my way to Borders today to buy "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle". Stephen King compares this book to "Watership Down" and "Life of Pi" - my two most favorite books EVER. I usually don't give much credence to critics reviews, but, (A) It's Stephen King, and, (B) The comparison to my two most favorite books of all time makes it a must-read.
Anyone have any books they would like to recommend? Let me know...