Friday, November 21, 2008

I've Been Tagged...And, Thankfully, Not with a Blowdart Flying From a Hovering Helicopter, This Time...Thanks, Shannon!

1- Post Rules on Your Blog
2-Answer the Six "8" Items and Post on Blog
3-Let Each Person Know They Have Been Tagged

8 Favorite Shows
1. House, MD
2. Arrested Development (RIP...but I have all three seasons on DVD...)
3. Criminal Minds
4. The Office
5. Law & Order: SVU
6. Fringe
7. The New Adventures of Old Christine
8. How I Met Your Mother

8 Things I Did Yesterday
1. Got a super-cute new haircut (my neck is cold, though)
2. Went Christmas shopping
3. Had Justin's one year old pictures done (also, super-cute)
4. Went shopping for Thanksgiving dinner supplies (and, in doing so, single-handedly paid Danny Wegman's car payment for this month...ugh)
5. Spent $50 at Lisa's Liquor Barn...Bailey's for the Irishman coming to visit next week and two bottles of wine
6. Worked at my new position as an online facilitator for the University of Phoenix
7. Watched "The Office"...hilarious, as usual
8. Spent time with my in-laws

8 Things I Look Forward To
(Only Eight?!...OK...)
1. Bree and Eoin's visit (can't wait!!!)
2. Thanksgiving with the family
3. Seeing "Twilight" tonight in Buffalo with the girls
4. Riding this weekend...if my arm is OK
5. Finding out what the devil is wrong with my arm
6. Justin's first Christmas
7. Justin's first birthday
8. Completing my training for the University of Phoenix

8 Favorite Restaurants
1. The Kitchen Table in Burlington, VT
2. Mario's
3. Biaggi's
4. Qdoba
5. Basil
6. Aunt Cookie's
7. The Distillery
8. Brio

8 Things On My Wish List
1. To Raise a Happy, Healthy Child
2. Show Chester at the Pinto World Show in Tulsa, OK
3. A Kindle E-Reader
4. An Overhauled Horse paint, wiring, etc.
5. Go back to Sedona, AZ
6. See the Pittsburgh Steelers play
7. Run My Own Horse Business
8. Travel to Greece and Crete