Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Other Things That Are NOT Awesome...

...include: sinus infections and O'Hare International Airport.
I am currently suffering from a painful sinus infection. The crud has also spread into my lungs. I am planning a visit to Dr. Wilson's office tomorrow where he will tell me to relax and take antibiotics and I will laugh and say, "Relax...yeah, right...what's that, again?"
Also, my dislike for Chicago's airport has deepened. I think everybody runs around that place with their heads up their butts. I mean, really, I'm not a pilot or a flight attendant or anything, but shouldn't you put the luggage on the plane BEFORE it's cleared for take off? And who schedules THREE planes to park at the same gate at the same time? And, for the love of God, why does United split their planes up and park the arriving flights approximately 5 miles from the connecting flights? We were a half an hour late flying into Madison last night, which made our ride back to the homestead have to wait for us and the lateness seriously cut into my Sleepy Time.
On the bright side of things, Jeff and I had a wonderful holiday back east with our families. We were unable to go to Jamestown to see my brother and his family, due to the weather conditions, but we split our time between Sodus and York with our parents. We only wish we could have stayed longer. Both my mama and Judy fed us very well and it was so nice to spend time with our families. We really do miss seeing them.
So, we hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Take care and stay healthy.
Peace from the Midwest.

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