Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Antibiotics and Two Sick Days

Well, it's official. According to Dr. Wilson, I not only have a severe sinus infection, but I also have bronchitis. He says it's not too serious and he perscribed a two week stint on a sulfur antibiotic. He also told me not to go to work today OR tomorrow, because I am highly contagious and I don't want to expose the babies at work to this crud. So, I am forced to relax, which is good, because that's the only way that I will relax...if a doctor tells me that I have to.
So, here I sit on my couch with my kittens, Riley and Seamus, my glass full of Gatorade, Kleenex, a wastebasket in which to put said Kleenex, and my bowl of chicken tortellini soup.
Here's to antibiotics and sick days.
Peace from the Midwest.

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