Friday, November 26, 2004

Post-Thanksgiving Bliss

Well, here we are basking in the after-glow of gluttony on a snowy day after Turkey Day in Upstate New York with our families. We spent Wednesday night hanging with the crew in Rochester. We had a great time with Ryan, Makiko, Karen, Christa, and David. While some of the night was spent discussing politics and why so many women are having C-Sections these days, we did manage to have some non-nerdy conversations, too.
Thankgiving was spent with the Simpson family for lunch (absolutely delicious) and the Leuze/DeBadts family for dinner (double yum). While we stuffed ourselves with two turkey dinners, the real joy came from seeing our families and spending our holiday with them. We hope you all had the same opportunity. Take care and we'll post again soon!

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