Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Our First Post...The Beginning of an Era

Well, thanks to the inspiration created by Ryan and Makiko's blog, I am making myself so late for work by starting a blog for Jeff and I. Here, everyone can check out our exciting lives here in America's Dairyland. You will all be able to witness how we live day to day in the midwest and gain insight to all things Wisconsin.
All I ask from any readers of this blog is that they:
  • Forgive my lack of computer knowledge and creativity.
  • Understand that we live in WISCONSIN...ranked number 49th in the country (only ahead of Kansas) in the Most Exciting State in America Listing in the May 2004 issue of "America" magazine. Hey, dairy products, football, and bratwursts are WAY more exciting than tornados, corn, and...what else do they have in Kansas? Go Packers!
  • Know that our hearts still belong to New York State.

So, enjoy what is sure to be an action-packed blog. Thanks to Ryan and Makiko for the inspiration. Your blog rocks! We would have thanked David Curry, too, but, dude, what's up with your blog? (That sounds kind of dirty, doesn't it?)

Peace from the Midwest.


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