Tuesday, April 14, 2009

15 Month Check-Up

Justin had his 15 month check-up with Dr. Tomek yesterday. He is still above the 97th percentile in height, but has "dropped" to the 97th percentile in weight. This is most likely due to the increase in his activity. It's certainly not due to a decrease in his eating...this kid is a great eater. He had his first taste of baked chicken nuggets yesterday and loved them. In fact, he walks around saying "meat" like a good little carnivore should.

Dr. Tomek was very impressed with J's vocabulary. He used that word - "impressed". My heart swelled with pride.

Justin now knows the difference between the different types of vehicles...truck, car, bus, and train. He demonstrated for Dr. T his knowledge of body parts, his toy bus and toy truck, and even showed how he says "please". As always, J-Man was a very good boy...even when he had to wait for the nurse because another child was having a complete meltdown down the hall. J just took it all in stride.

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