Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Open Season on Kitties

Apparently, Wisconsin hunters have very itchy trigger fingers. It has been, I guess, a pretty long and boring winter. Also, the deer season only lasts about a week out here, so folks don't really have enough time to satisfy their homicidal urges. So what do you do when there just aren't any opportunities to kill an animal legally? You create open season on CATS. Yes...you read that right...CAT SEASON. The great state of Wisconsin is proposing a new bill that will make cat hunting legal. Apparently, some guy is all bent out of shape because every morning he wakes up and there are - GASP - cat prints in the snow all around the base of his bird feeder (See Yahoo.com homepage).
"I get up in the morning and if there's new snow, there's cat tracks under my bird feeder ... I look at them as an invasive species, plain and simple," Smith said.
Are you freakin' KIDDING ME? Poor Mr. Smith. All he wants to do is feed his birdies and those evil, horrifying cats are messing it all up. Did you ever think, Mr. Smith, that YOU are the "invasive species"? I mean, after all, it is YOU who chooses to get the wild chickadees and finches all hopped up on commercial bird seed and then, one weekend, you and the Misses take off for a vacation in Cancun and forget to refill the bird feeder. What are the poor, defensless birdies supposed to do NOW? You've got them all hooked on seed, it's below freezing, and they have forgotten how to fend for themselves. They're like little feathered crack addicts and you've done it, Mr. Smith. YOU. And you're whining about the cats. Maybe we should make it open season on all song birds, because, dammit, I'm so sick of them tempting my cats. My kitties spend all their free time hovering around your bird feeder. It's all invasive and what not.
Anyway, I guess the DNR is going to work this all out because, of course, most hunters can tell the difference betweeen a wild, feral cat and Mr. Boots, the family pet...especially after a six pack of Old Milwaukee. God forbid we violate the rights of Mr. Smith's birdies and his right to wake up and see an absence of cat prints under his bird feeder.
You can't make this stuff up. I'm serious. Check it out at dontshootthecat.com. Only in Wisconsin, folks. At least in New York, we just stick to killing deer and, you know, other humans.
Peace for the kitties (for now) in the Midwest.

Friday, March 04, 2005

It's Official...

Well, it's official. I have the flu. Not a really bad cold, which many people call "the flu". I have the actual Influenza Virus. My doctor laughed when I told him that I thought I had the flu, because he said a lot of people call every sniffle they have "the flu". He asked me what my symptoms were, checked my vitals, and, in a very professional doctorly manner, quickly wheeled his little doctor stool backwards across the exam room into the furthest corner from me, and said, "Holy cow, you have the flu." Apparently, he has a trip to Mexico scheduled and didn't want to be near me. Seriously.
Anyway, I tried to go into work this morning, but after taking a shower, driving to work, and stepping into my office, I broke out into a heavy sweat and had to sit down. My boss called in sick with the flu this morning and my co-workers scattered to the winds when I told them I had the flu. I called my boss' boss and told her I couldn't make it.
Anyway, I'm on the couch...again. I plan on taking a nap and I'm glad I have the weekend to recover. I hope you're all healthy. Take care.
Peace from the Midwest.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Things You Discover When You're Sick and Can't Get Off the Couch...

So, here I am on the couch for a third consecutive day. I think I have the flu, as I am achy, have a congested head, and can sleep for 14 hours like it's my job. I was supposed to take an exam for my counseling certification today, but a drive to Milwaukee and sitting at a desk for three hours just isn't in the realm of possibility for me today. I see the doctor at 3:15 today. We'll see what he has to say about my illness.
Anyway, I was doing some research on-line today (since I can bring our laptop to the couch, where I have set up camp), and I found out some pretty interesting facts about my beloved horse, Miami. Check it out:
  • Miami won fourth place and eigth place at the American Quarter Horse Association World Championship Show in 1989 in hunter (jumping) classes...I already knew this, and was already impressed, but it gets even better...
  • Miami has five Kentucky Derby winners in his pedigree: Needles, Ponder, Pensive, Count Fleet, and War Admiral
  • Pensive was the sire (father) of Ponder, who, in turn, was the sire of Needles - together, these horses make up the only three consecutive generations of Derby winners ever
  • Count Fleet and War Admiral each won the Triple Crown, a feat only accomplished eleven times in history

So, you'd think with all of this speed in his pedigree, my horse would run like the wind, right? Nope...only if there's a bucket of grain at the end of the race.

My I Am Great (Miami) Posted by Hello

Anyway, I hope you have all enjoyed my rant for the day. I'm sure you are probably not as impressed by all of this as I am, but give me a break. I haven't gone outside in three days and you can only watch so many episodes of "Judge Mathis" before insanity creeps in. I'll keep you all posted on what the doctor says this afternoon.
Peace from the Midwest.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Happy Birthday, Mama!

Mama and Jeff at Thanksgiving Posted by Hello
Today is my mama's birthday and she is turning 29 for the 25th time!
She is currently recovering from surgery at home. She sounds like she's doing well. Her vitals are good and she has them sent through the phone line directly to the hospital everyday. I wish we could be back home celebrating with her and helping her get better. Happy Birthday, Mama!
(My four year old niece, Hadyn, took the above picture, hence the lack of the top of Jeff's noggin. Still pretty good photography, though, don't you think?)

The Simpsons Visit Wisconsin

The Simpsons in WI Posted by Hello
Jeff and I were lucky enough to share a visit with Jeff's mom and dad, Judy and Kevin this past weekend. We spent time enjoying good food and good company. We ventured out to the stable so that Judy and Kevin could meet Miami and Chester. We had a great time, although, the weekend went way too fast.

Judy and Miami taking a ride Posted by Hello

Kevin and Miami Posted by Hello

Kevin, Miami, and Chester Posted by Hello