Monday, February 25, 2008

Dog Days

Wassup, ya'll? Tyson here...also known as Ty, Ty-Ty, or Dammit (as in, "Come here, Dammit!"). My mom sometimes calls me "Tinkles" or "Boo Boo", but don't you try it.

I thought it was time for a post by yours truly. I've been a bit over-shadowed by my boy, Justin, and, while I love the kid, I deserve some of the spotlight, too.

Let me tell you a little about myself. I am a Toy Fox Terrier, or TFT. I like to think that "TFT" stands for "Tough Freakin' Terrier". My mom tells me that I am a "little guy", but I could take on any German Shepherd or Great Dane any day of the week with three paws tied behind my back. My likes include: Snausages, harrassing Riley, quality time with my bear, and the sound of my own bark. I also like to play tug-of-war with Cal, fetch with Jenny, and Crazy Eight with Callie.

My dislikes include: peeing outside when it's cold, having my nails trimmed, baths, and when Mom leaves in the truck without me. I also do not like getting neutered, but Mom tells me that's a one-time deal.

I am one talented canine. I have many gifts that I choose to share with my humans, such as starting the neighborhood dog chorus at 5:00 in the morning (Mom especially likes the sound of the beagle down the street), keeping the cats in line, and guarding my boy, Justin. When the spirit moves me, I can also sit, shake, and lay down. Between me and you, though, those parlor tricks are pretty lame.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Justin Update

At the request of Justin's Grandma and Grandpa Simpson, here is a recent picture of our favorite little man. Looks like he knows something we don't, doesn't he?
We're off to Great Grandma Auble's house today for a visit with family. Justin will be meeting some of his extended family for the first time. He's all rested up and ready to go!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Adventures in Pregnancy and Childbirth

Over the last eight plus weeks, I have enjoyed being a new mom. Our son, Justin Reid, born on December 26th, 2007, has already brought a lifetime of joy into our home. I don't think that there has ever been a child who is more cherished and loved.
Now that I have produced a child from my womb, I thought that I would share what I have learned about pregnancy and childbirth with my readers. These are invaluable lessons, so, take notes...

1. Be careful what you Google while pregnant.
You really can know too much in life. Please do not Google the following while pregnant, thinking about becoming pregnant, or while in labor: "17 Pound Russian Baby", "episiotomy", or "meconium". You will freak out. I promise.

2. Epidurals can (and do) wear off.
Please do not count on the epidural to take care of the pain. No one shared with me that they can wear off. I was in pain-free heaven for two hours, but just before it was time to push, the epidural wore off...completely. The evil, sadistic nurse told me that I could not have any more painkillers because I would be pushing soon and she wanted me to feel some pressure. Oh...I felt some pressure fact, I felt everything. This nurse was not allowed back into my room.

3. Be ready for anything.
I did not want a C-Section, but it was the only option for us when all was said and done. It turned out fine and I was ready to do anything to insure the safety of my child (see #6). Plus, now I have a really cool scar.

4. You can vomit from excessive pain.
Yeah. Trust me.

5. Newborn babies are purple and covered in cheese.
But cute and loud, nonetheless.

6. You cannot possibly know the level of extreme love of which you are capable until you have a child.
I know. Everyone says this. But it is so true. Children rearrange your priorities. No person or thing can or will ever come before your child. Ever. I don't think the word 'love' is strong enough to describe the feelings one has for their own child. Every time I look at my son, my heart swells.

So. There are just a few of the lessons I have learned. I gain more and more knowledge everyday and I am learning to see the world through a child's eyes. Everything is new and exciting and there is more and more to discover everyday. This is the greatest gift of all.


I know. You are all in shock, but, at the request of our loyal followers, I have decided to breathe new life into our blog. After a hiatus of almost three years, I will attempt to keep the posts coming and keep everyone updated on the Simpson Family adventures. Stay tuned for more...