Monday, January 17, 2005

New Carhartt Pants

Well, I am way past due for adding another post to our blog. And since it has been REALLY boring here in Wisconsin, I decided to post about the most exciting thing to happen since my last new pants.
Now, these aren't just any pants. These are fleece-lined Carhartt pants. They are weather-resistant and warm. I decided that, if I plan on trecking out to the barn in sub-zero temperatures, I'd better get a pair of warm pants.
So, yesterday, I went to Farm and Fleet on Stoughton Road, where there was a sale going on. These pants were included in the sale and I landed these babies for $39.00. Sweet.
I wore these pants today (as you can see) and, boy, were they ever warm. Chester even dribbled water on them after he took a drink out of his bucket, and my leg stayed dry. If there was ever any doubt to my Farm Kid status, this purchase has removed it. Carhartts rock.

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